Advanced Dyscalculia Screening
Who benefits from a dyscalculia screening test?
Anyone aged 7 and above who is struggling with numeracy.
An advanced screening test can tell you a lot about your strengths and weaknesses as it evaluates your cognitive profile using psychometric testing, for example it tests for visual reasoning, magnitude estimation, and number sense. During advanced screening tests we also look at your maths attainment to get an idea of where your skills are at and were they need to be, also identifying any maths anxiety that may be present. All this information is invaluable to parents, carers and educators as it helps with the development of appropriate support.
All advanced screening test are done face to face with an assessor who will assist in interpreting the results and providing recommendations. Your assessor will also keep an eye out for any other difficulties that could be responsible, such as ASD or ADHD.
Even if no learning difficulty or neurodiversity is identified the process can be very enlightening and cathartic.

Symptoms of dyscalculia
• Problems with maths attainment.
• Family history of learning difficulties.
• Short term memory problems or difficulty with sequencing.
• Falling behind peers and struggling to catch up.
• Trouble dealing with homework or paperwork.
• Problems with magnitude estimation or comparison.
• Slow processing speed.
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